
Accelerating the pace of growth of a lightning-fast job-search app


JobGet provides a seamless in-app experience for candidates and recruiters alike – including quick profile creation, easy filtering and quick chat – all of which significantly accelerate the hiring process. JobGet has helped thousands of service workers get employed within days.

240% improvement in CPA.
4 Channels Tested
117% increase in scale

The Challenge:

JobGet had hit their early growth goals through some PR activity and early work on paid user acquisition. With the app servicing only in Boston, they had to significantly improve their unit economics in order to unlock growth. This was when they engaged RocketShip HQ.

"RocketShip HQ did everything it took to make some huge improvements in our CPAs - from testing an incredible variety of creatives and audiences to analyzing every nuance of our campaigns in depth. They not only tested a massive number of creatives but also did this systematically and methodically. Much of their work made light work of constraints like small audiences and limited budgets. We highly recommend their work"

Billy Lan

Co-Founder at JobGet

The Approach:

RocketShip HQ kicked off a creative testing program that aggressively tested a wide variety of creative concepts – while being cognizant of the small audience sizes that were available within Boston. RocketShip HQ made ad concepts that were creative, unique – and performant. RocketShip HQ’s regular cadence of testing combined with doubling down on winning concepts continued to improve CPAs month over month.
The team then worked on app store optimization activity that enabled significant organic discoverability – and opened up new channels including Apple Search, Snapchat and Tiktok. Over a 5-month time frame, RocketShip HQ was able to scale user acquisition spend by over 117% while continuing to keep CPA numbers improving.

Contact us

To request a free no-obligations consultation, please fill in the form below.
Please be as detailed as possible so we can help you better.

At this point we are only taking on advertisers with a minimum of $50,000 a month in ad spend for our fully managed services.

(If our fully managed services aren’t a good fit for you, please consider our advisory services - or free office hours).